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Blogging with Purpose

Blogging with purpose

Hi there and welcome again to our blog! I have had some time out from blogging due to life!

It has its negatives and positives, negatives being:

  1. For all the days I have not blogged for I could have blogged once a month to build content behind the scenes.
  2. I haven’t had any SEO or keywords building in my website.
  3. I haven’t promoted Luella York brand ‘out there’ enough
  4. I’ve being overworked in my f/time job.

The Positives however;

  1. I have had time to plan, prepare, think, brainstorm, create so I am able to be proactive not reactive
  2. I am armed with a years worth of topics to blog about and I am starting from scratch today. I have set a plan, I am going to action it and Thursdays are from now on the day my weekly blog will go live! Are you ready?
  3. I am focussed, I have found my purpose.
  4. I now know what I want to acheive with my business goals and I am going to go and smash them!
  5. I am excited, refreshed and raring to blog!

Well that all sounds very exciting doesn’t it! I know the negatives are there but I am so focussed on the next steps from here and all the positives I am going to gain. Now I have a plan, I am not going to spend any more time looking in the wing mirrors just forward into the horizon on achieving my goals and I really hope you will join me for the ride!

Blogging with purpose
Don’t look in the wing mirrors look forward and plan how to achieve your goals

So back to why I stopped; I had so much going on, a full time job, juggling the house chores, learning to parent, being a wife and trying to fit ME into it all! I honestly never realised how consuming all that is and having taken some time out to regroup and listen to my heart, I realised what makes me happy…

That is; sharing my story, experiences and creativity with all of you and along the way buidling a brand that you can buy from as I recognise all the ‘things’ in life that make it a joy to give Thoughtful Gifts and Beautiful Living. In the next blog I will share a personal story with you, see you next Thursday!

Let us hear your thoughts!